
Showing posts from April, 2018

Contact US

Very nice designs at different form's and styles. Do you need a house plan at affordable price, just Contact me by calling or whatsapp +233(0)545663714, +233(0)507622931 or email, or Visit us @ mfdjcompanyltd.blogspot. com


Title ADMINISTRATIVE Chapter 1 TITLE, SCOPE AND GENERAL Sec. 101. These regulations shall be known as the "Uniform Building Code," may be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this code." Purpose Sec. 102. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of all buildings and structures within this jurisdiction and certain equipment specifically regulated herein. The purpose of this code is not to create or otherwise establish or designate any 1.:·: particular class or group of persons who will or should be especially protected or benefited by the terms of this code. Scope Sec. 103. The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration, moving, demolition, repair and use of any building or structure within this jurisdiction, except work located pri...


EFFECTIVE USE OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE The following procedure may be helpful in using the Uniform Building Code: I . Classify the building: A. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Compute the floor area and occupant load of the building or portion thereof. See Sections 407, 3302 and Table No. 33-A. Determine the occupancy group which the use of the building or portion thereof most nearly resembles. See the '0 I sections of Chapters 5 through 12. See Section 503 for buildings with mixed occupancies. B. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Determine the type of construction of the building by the building materials used and the fire resistance of the parts of the building. See Chapters 17 through 22. C. LOCATION ON PROPERTY: Determine the location of the building on the site and clearances to property lines and other buildings from the plot plan. See Table No. 5-A and '03 sections of Chapters 18 through 22 for fire resistance of exterior walls and wall opening requirements based...

Forms of building designs

My company has adopt two ways of designs namely; traditional design and modern design. With the traditional design you invest less but the modern form you invest more. Also the temperature of the modern design is higher the traditional method.

Advertised your business hear

Why not hear, because this place is the right way to grow your business without any risk. Just contact us @ affordable price.

Why not US

Do you need a building plan, to build a house in other to make you comfortable, we deliver on time, just contact us @ on costumer's needs are always provided to meet a strong standard.+233545663714/+233507622931 Still



We are the best

We are back again

Design is very simple and easy to start,just contact us to help you learn AutoCAD and sketchup


Good day everyone this is is welcoming anyone who wants to advertise his/her business to grow ,should contact ,@ +233545663714/+233507622931@##$$ affordable price .Hoping to hear from you soon. %%100 ###$ Or
Most of my designs are focus on; The Nubian Vault ( MUD) which is solid, comfortable, attractive, houses without timber or zinc roofs the thermal comfort is very normal the sandcrete  building(CEMENT) which is less comfortable but measures can be taken to make it comfortable Brick houses etc more to come very soon
Our main aim is to; 1. Improved the environments for work and meetings 2. Improving the living condition ( NUBIAN VAULT) ARCHITECTURE DESIGN 3. Protect the environment by providing accurate designs to be build 4. Promote job creation and your local economy ( design).

we are eager to design for you



VERY NICE DRAWINGS GHC500 Contact me by calling or whats-app +233(0)545663714, +233(0)507622931 or email, m or


Thanks be god for giving me another chance to win a soul.

Contact Us

We  are always E a ger and R eady to hear from you Kindly use the contact form provided to send us a message. MFDJ Company Upload email: TEL: +233(0)545663714 +233(0)507622931  

About Us

Excellent- Shot Plans Delivery in 24hours MFDJCOMPANYLTD.BlOGSPOT.COM   is the #1 speed  2D and 3D drawings outfit,  producing  excellent building plans. We are team of very energetic and ambitious Why  Not  MFDJ COMPANY The best place for 2D and 3D designs and Estimates We are hands-on We are super fast We stay with you We add value to what you have Time, quality and continuity is our priority Mission  To better the world in modern and traditional way of designs to regul ate the temperature Terms and condition apply 10% of total cost will be paided before completion  Pricing  Ranges from ghc500 – 2000 Advertisements  are  welcomed at  affordable price. Upload for corrections •  Pictures of plans •  Estimates  •  Drawings  •  Any other matter