EFFECTIVE USE OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE The following procedure may be helpful in using the Uniform Building Code: I . Classify the building: A. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: Compute the floor area and occupant load of the building or portion thereof. See Sections 407, 3302 and Table No. 33-A. Determine the occupancy group which the use of the building or portion thereof most nearly resembles. See the '0 I sections of Chapters 5 through 12. See Section 503 for buildings with mixed occupancies. B. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Determine the type of construction of the building by the building materials used and the fire resistance of the parts of the building. See Chapters 17 through 22. C. LOCATION ON PROPERTY: Determine the location of the building on the site and clearances to property lines and other buildings from the plot plan. See Table No. 5-A and '03 sections of Chapters 18 through 22 for fire resistance of exterior walls and wall opening requirements based on proximity to property lines. See Section 504. D ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: Determine the allowable floor area of the building. See Table No. 5-C for basic allowable floor area based on occupancy group and type of construction. See Section 506 for allowable increases based on location on property and installation of an approved automatic fire-sprinkler system. See Section 505 (b) for allowable floor area of multistory buildings. E. HEIGHT AND NUMBER OF STORIES: Compute the height of the building, Section 409 and determine the number of stories, Section 420. See Table No. 5-D for the maximum height and number of stories permitted based on occupancy group and type of construction. See Section 507 for allowable story increase based on the installation of an approved automatic fire-sprinkler system. 2. Review the building for conformity with the occupancy requirements in Chapters 6 through 12. 3. Review the building for conformity with the type of constructionin Chapters 17 through 22. 4. Review the building for conformity with the exiting requirements in Chap- ter 33. 5. Review the building for other detailed code regulations in Chapters 29 through 54, Chapter 56, and the Appendix. 6. Review the building for conformity with engineering regulations and requirements for materials of construction. See Chapters 23 through 28.


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